Frequently Asked Questions

What are the delivery charges for orders from the Duka Zuri Online Shop?

We charge very reasonable delivery fee depending on customers address and weight of goods ordered.

Which payment methods are accepted in the Duka Zuri Online Shop?

We use the Ipay payment Gateway which accepts payment form Mpesa, Airtel Money, Eazzypay, Equitel, Visa, Mastercard and many more.

How long will delivery take?

We ensure that your order is delivered with in 48hrs

How secure is shopping in the Duka Zuri Online Shop? Is my data protected?

Yes. Your data is protected and is not shared to any third party. We value your privacy please check out our privacy policy for more

What exactly happens after ordering?

We will immediately start packing your order and promptly deliver them to your address as indicated during order placement.

Do I receive an invoice for my order?

Yes an invoice will be sent to your email used during order placement.